Sunday, February 27, 2011

Digital Story

For my digital story I choose to work with Glogster. I thought this would be a fun tool to use and I have tried this before so I thought I would do some more practice with this technology tool I choose to write a story/poster about a place I would like to visit. I decided this would be an introduction to a lesson I would do with my students. This would be the initial idea or layout of the lesson

Storytelling Project

A place in the world you would like to visit

-I want to visit Italy

-I would like to visit the museums

-I would like to go to different restaurants to eat the delicious food

Lesson Plan

Have students create their own poster to share as well as write a 1 page paper on why they want to go there and what they would do in this place.

I really like the creativity you can have with Glogster, but i think there are some limits because it is only one page that is being made. I think for this particular assignment for students, though, this would be a good tool to use.. I would have them write up a separate paper so there wouldn't be much need for multiple slides to describe their trip.
Here is my project:
Digital Story

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