Monday, April 4, 2011


This week in our online class we looked at Wiki's and making our own Wiki page. I was surprised by how easy it was for me to create my website and add in pictures of pages that I wanted. I was able to easily edit pages and add in things. I think this website is different from other website sources or blogs because it is much easier to edit and add in pages or pictures. I also like the fact that members are able to add onto pages or edit them. This makes it easy to get new information from others and also have people edit your work for you. In a blog other people can't come in and add or edit a page they can only leave a comment. I really liked the fact that this website allows people access to do these things.

I would definitely use Wiki in the future for my teaching. I would introduce my students to this website early on in the year and have them create their own account and set up their own wiki website. I would have this be their own website for the year where they could display their work. I think one main thing I would do is have students to a book report online. This would allow them to create pages for their book report as well as add in articles or pictures. The students could easily add in quotes and citations as well. This would also be a great place for a virtual research paper. After the students were done it would be easy for me to go in and edit or help them. I would also have other students do peer editing on their classmates projects. This is an easy way for students to share their information and projects as well as give feedback and help. At the end of the year the students could then present their projects and website and also easily share this with their parents at home.

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