Monday, April 4, 2011

Science Outside the Classroom


This article talks about learning outside the classroom, focusing on Science. I think it is so important to give students the information they need to gain access to learning outside of school. A simple way to do this is to send home weekly newsletters that have websites or even attach articles or ideas for parents to do activities with their children outside of school. This helps the students and parents become a part of learning.

1 comment:

  1. I have actually seen something similar to this done before. I worked at an urban school in Grand Rapids where parental involvment was very low and reaching AYP was a task every year. Some teachers used to include little flyers of free events around the community that the families could attend together to try and promote and encourage education. I know some families attended some events but others did not speak English very well so that prevented them from going. However, I think it is a great idea for schools that are struggling with parental involvement or even schools that do have parental involvement but just want to promote education!
