Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Education Hot Topic

There is a lot I could write about when it comes to education hot topics. Specifically, for me, the events occurring in Wisconsin. I have family members who teach in Wisconsin and are witnessing first hand what these events are like. I myself am planning to move to Madison, WI when I am done with student teaching to pursue a job there. The events happening worry me about my future as well as my families, but in a time like this I think it is important to try and focus on some good things happening in the school system and look on the bright side of my future. While looking for some articles on the events occurring with teachers and the union in Wisconsin I came across an article that I found really interesting and I wanted to share it on my blog.


This article is about students in a Wisconsin public school system who will be receiving iPads for use in school. The iPads will be used by students to do homework and assignments as well as virtual textbooks for AP classes. This is just one example of how schools are taking advantage of technology and moving forward academically and technologically to improve learning. The article also shows that these virtual textbooks will help save the school money on textbooks. We talk so much about technology and how it can really help learning and students and this is just one way that one school district is taking advantage of the technology out there.

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