Monday, March 28, 2011

Google Tools

This week we were asked to explore Google and the tools it has to offer. Google is such a great resource, especially for teachers. I could see myself using Google and it's tools a lot in my future teaching. Google Docs is one of the tools I use the most and I would probably use a lot with students. Google Docs is a great place to make a document, especially if you want this document to be shared or edited. If I were having students to a group project or presentation I would have them use the presentation or "PowerPoint" on Google along with Google Docs. Students could work on this document from anywhere and all edit it whenever they had time. As long as all the group members had the link and were able to edit they could go home after school and see what their group members had done and either change or add to that. This is great because not everyone is able to figure out their schedules to get together so this could be done throughout the day whenever each individual member has time. I would also have students use Google Docs for peer editing. The students could write a paper and then type it up into Google Docs and share the link with their classmates. The other students in the classroom could edit the document online and give feedback right on the document. This is an easy way for others to see a document as well as give suggestions without the student having to go and retype and re print the entire paper.

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