Monday, February 7, 2011

Bringing the web into the classroom

I have been thinking lately about how to bring technology, mainly the Internet, into the classroom. I know there are a lot of schools who may not have computers, or the amount of time the student can use the computer is limited, but how can teachers help the students to use that time to learn about new technology. In my college classes many professors have integrated technology into the lectures, group work or homework. I have been introduced to multiple new technologies that have helped enhance my learning and creativity. I feel that if I would have been exposed to these earlier, like in high school or middle school, I would be able to use them fully now and could do even more. It is a tough topic to discuss and money is always a problem, but I still believe it is possible to introduce Internet technologies into the classroom, but as someone who will be a teacher soon I need to start thinking of some creative ways to do this.

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